Thursday, June 28, 2007

Filtering Software

I believe filtering software is absolutely necessary in an elementary school classroom. The only question is how the filtering software is managed. So many malicious websites are set up so they may be found by accident (or on purpose) by kids. Unfortunately, you often cannot perform web searches without bringing up a whole list of inappropriate sites. I am sure many people would relish the thought of their inappropriate material making its way into schools.
I also believe some important management steps must be taken. First, the teacher should take the responsibility to teach students ethical ways of using technology, how to avoid trouble, and what to do if you accidentally do something wrong. No matter how carefully teachers monitor, students will find a way to misbehave. Second, a mechanism must be in place to easily make blocked sites available for teachers. I actually had a website specifically created to support one of the classroom textbooks blocked because the web address was too long. The website is still blocked. I find that ridiculous.

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