Thursday, June 14, 2007

ISTE Standards Self-Evaluation

While my students get to experience many of the activities in NETS performance indicators for grades 3-5 (I teach 4th grade), we only have the opportunity to significantly touch on a few of the standards. We have many opportunities to use input/output devices, discuss issues with technology, determine what technology is useful for a situation, and determining the accuracy and bias of an online resource. While I consider myself at least a somewhat technology literate person, I could do a better job of providing opportunities to my students in the classroom. A day does not go by that I don't use technology to enhance learning in my classroom. Of course, some days are more effecient than others. I do a pretty could job of achieving the majority of the indicators for teachers, but I could, of course, do much better. I find that teachers (especially this teacher) are usually hindered by either the lack of a specific type of technology or the overwhelming nature of the technology that is possessed.

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